There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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You Know Your Pet Is Smarter Than You When...

by pyrodragoness

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DOOMed Adventures
The reason why DOOM does not have a petpetpet.

by ladyash782


Fun and Random Weapons!
Ever wondered what is really behind those normal weapons? Ever asked yourself, "Where are those funny weapons?" or "Where are those random weapons?" Well, here you go! This article presents a fresh new topic about "Fun and Random Weapons!"

by ygss


Cylara's Journey: Part One
It was at approximately the same time that the faerie was gazing up at the stars that Keija suddenly sat bolt upright in bed - instantly awaked from a very odd dream - with a rather different type of smile dawning upon her face...

Also by denimsweetheart

by doughnut215


Whispers: Part Three
Somehow, it just didn't feel right, especially for the desert in summer, but Aidne quite couldn't put her finger on what was wrong, except that the area around them had taken on a definite atmosphere of foreboding. Something big was coming...

by betazoid_telepath

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