Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Just Sit

by katopia12

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The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part Two
The pets tore into the dugout, and everything was silent for about fifteen seconds. Then, we all heard a whooshing noise, and Hubrid Nox appeared in a cloud of fog that smelled like old socks simmered in peanut butter...

by trisshamster


Letters to Rosie
I'm sorry I haven't written as much as I promised I would in the past two weeks, but I've still been trying to settle in here. Hopefully this letter will be the first of many...

by dan4884


Snowball Madness
Training in the Battledome...

Idea and Script by neowizard1287

by keitaro8982


Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Eight
The room, so quiet and mysterious, was unusually relaxing. The quiet chatter of the water and the whisper of fire were the only sounds there. What's the secret of this room? Shad thought to himself. What could the soul and secret of this magic be?...

by ssjelitegirl

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