A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Christmas Chronicles #2

by liane_ly

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Don't Ask!
It's just his hobby... not a plot quest.

by snowcat737373


Ask Armin

Well, I think we’ve waited long enough. Perhaps you’ve been wondering when you would hear from me... it’s been a while since I saved the world... and here I am, to bring you a wonderful self-esteem-raising column. I mean, really, honestly we could have come up with a better name for this...

by angelwater630


In This Together: Part Five
Once again, I was running away, from someone who loved me, someone who was worried for me, running away to save my brother, to avoid hurting others, and once again it was the most painful thing I could have done...

by rainbow_daydreamer


Neowned - "That's Cheating!"
There's more than one way to get blessed by a faerie...!

by neowner3

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