Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Neopian Insanity

by emmybug184

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Master and Pupil
He'd had the lecture hundreds of times before and didn't need to hear it again. All the same, it felt like cheating not to tell Kiro about the latest failure...

by yatomiyuka


Breaking a Way Out of Bruno’s Backwoods
Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway proves to be an action-packed fun game that is sure to be a challenge to the average Neopian. However, do not fear, as today, I am going to share with you the tips to getting that *shiny* trophy...

by superpepe


Another Hero's Journey: Part One
Gritting his teeth, the white Blumaroo jumped off the chair he had been sitting on, and decided to pace about. More questions began to flood his head. Should he have gone off to accompany Rohane?

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The Blue Blumaroo: Part Two
Melissa had agreed to join her two best friends on a shopping trip (the second in two days), not because she wanted to actually buy anything, but because she wanted to find a friend for her little brother Joey. It sounded completely bizarre, of course, but...

by rainbow2skittle

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