The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 133,024,427 Issue: 274 | 12th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Three's Company

by ghost_comic_cat

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Which Petpet Are You?
"Ever wondered what type of Petpet you were?"

Idea by frzngonz

by scarvogue


Bug Hors d'oeuvres!
If we could only get over the 'yuck factor'! Once you master that, you can close your eyes and toss a few of these bugs into your mouth!

Also by 72novacane

by purplepassiony2k


5 Ways to Start Out the New Year
So, now that it’s the New Year, what are you going to do? Some people just lounge around and think it’s just a “So what?” matter. It’s not. There’s more to the New Year than that, of course!

by amanderssie286


Hungry Skeith #1
NEVER trust a hungry Skeith!

by 0rbiit

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