Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 134,586,010 Issue: 276 | 26th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Week - 276

Wanna Play?
by wirlhwind
Description: Hide and Seek?

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Kooky Absurdity
Note: Images in the map are not drawn to scale... right?

by tsukuyomaru


Twisted Fate
Note: No wockies were harmed in the making of this comic...

by garfield_chubz


The Ugly Child
Cleo, who was Ms. Polsha's babysitter, sighed but nodded. "Yeah, okay," she agreed...

by neopartia


Amelie Wins The Battle: Part Three
As the Christmas holidays approached, Lizzie announced that a few pets had done so well that they would be moved to one of her more advanced classes during the week. As Lizzie shook each pet's hand, Amelie bit back tears of shame. She hadn't even gone up one level!

by bethany4ever131


NQ2 "Normality"
But why can't we attack them?

by capnpadfoot

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