Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword kidagakash_nedakh

Week - 226

Trophy Adventuring
by kidagakash_nedakh
Description: CAUTION: Collecting medals and/or trophies can be hazardous to your health! Also note that there is no real cure for the addiction!

Week - 241

Because You're Cursed
by kidagakash_nedakh
Description: "Oh, no!!!!" he screamed. "My fur is falling off!" Panicked, Simba stumbled back into his room...

Week - 268

Tale of Woe Bloopers
by kidagakash_nedakh
Description: Sophie: Alright... drink up, little buddy!

Art By bluepen

Week - 278

Neopian Bloopers
by kidagakash_nedakh
Description: I just invented something great!

Art by bluepen

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Sword of the Shapeshifter: Part Three
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Gross Food: Grossly Misunderstood?
Welcome to the world of Gross Food. Not to be confused with food that is gross, such as sprouts, broccoli, and oatmeal...

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Neopoints, What is the Point? (Pun Not Intended)
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I have never once read a good list, or even a bad one, on the many uses of a lawnmower. Tragically, it seems that most people really do not know how extraordinarily functional this handy piece of machinery is!

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