Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sato_master

Week - 184

The Secret Art of Wasting Neopoints
by sato_master
Description: Now many guides that have stricken the boards and Neopian Times have been on how to MAKE Neopoints, but why bother?

Week - 192

Neopia's Hole Truth
by sato_master
Description: Every day when I walk around the world of Neopia, something seems to keep happening, but I can’t put my finger on it...

Week - 278

Monster Attacks And You
by sato_master
Description: Giant monsters. Not your cuddly happy fun fellow Neopians, but rather an insurance Chia's nightmare. So what can we do to protect ourselves from these monsters?

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Just Different, Just MorningGlory
Early_MorningGlory sat at the window, watching the rising sun paint the pure white snow pink and gold. The yellow Lupe was curled up on the window seat, wearing an old fashioned dress. She was scribbling away on a piece of paper, attempting to ignore the chaos issuing through out the rest of the house...

by squareular


Masila: After the Battle
The storyteller gave a tiny smile and straightened, using a staff to help her. A terrible fall in the distant past had hurt her backbone considerably...

by natasha_nguyen


Spells, Secrets, and Snowberry Tea: Part One
A small pet's laughter could be heard from the snowy valley below. Bells jingled every time a shop door was opened or closed. The green, red, and white lights reflected off the perfect ocean and onto the ships that were docking. Such a lovely morning... so why was she troubled?

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Another Hero's Journey: Part Five
"Reuben and Rohane – both gone, just like that! We have to get a search party and look for them! Who knows what's happening?"

by precious_katuch14


Behind the Scenes: Meepit Juice Break

by lisaw1215

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