Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 134,591,299 Issue: 278 | 9th day of Awakening, Y9
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Jealousy at Meri Acres Farm

by alice_in_ponderville

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Yay, makeup!!

by mayamayamay2


Dandilion Tails: Krawk Seek
Where are you off to?

Also by walkaroundstar

by dandilion_crucifix


Shush for the Screamer
"Hi, Susie," whispered a familiar voice. Miriam was kneeling down on the carpet. Sitting next to her was a small Baby Acara, the one who, Susannah presumed, had just screamed...

by _jade_em_


Tangled Up in Blu: Part Four
Blu, stunned beyond belief, could not control her thoughts. How dare he! He has no proof that I am solely to blame for whatever happened on that day! I don't even know what happened on that day! What do I do?!?

by hotchick859

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