A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword unaagi

Week - 279

Kiko Katastrophe
by unaagi
Description: It was bad enough before...

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Heroes and Stuff
Applesouce had her mouth open to hiss when she noticed something strange and appalling. By her right foot, (which incidentally had its toenails painted rainbow by that horrible Faerie Krawk, Zarxen) was a lump of the scourge of the Neoverse! THE STUFF!!!

by lazer_zone


The Valentine Miracle
Every time she went to the gift shop, all the Valentines related items were all sold out...

by adprybylski


Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part One
The Juma smiled and uncurled her body. "Yes, I am," she answered. "I woke my pet up, but I managed to escape in a couple of minutes..."

by rachelindea


Afternoon Tea: Part Four
"Well," began the Shoyru. "We have all sorts of flavors of coffee, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate, tea..." The last word lingered in the air. Tea. For a brief moment, all of the details in Afton's life vanished as that one word echoed in her mind...

by reggieman721


The Mirror of Memories: Part Four
"I want you to do something to get Malin's attention! I don't know, go knock something over and make a big ruckus. Just don't let her open that umbrella case and see the journal!"

by sytra

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