Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 183,344,781 Issue: 279 | 16th day of Awakening, Y9
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword vehement

Week - 269

Almost Insane
by vehement
Description: Jhudora and Usuki Usuls have more in common than you think.

Week - 272

Almost Insane: Unraveling Curiosity
by vehement
Description: A Kougra's curiosity can be a very dangerous thing...

Week - 277

Almost Insane: Too-Casual Friday
by vehement
Description: Looks like someone took "Casual Friday" a little too seriously.

Week - 279

Almost Insane: Celebrate Birthdays With Caution
by vehement
Description: Birthday Cakes + Birthday Candles = Total Makeover

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Spells, Secrets, and Snowberry Tea: Part Two
Luther didn't look offended at all. "Oh, I'm not even paying. It was Griptor's gift to me, for services to the hotel. Two weeks in Terror Mountain! A warm suite in the Mountain Lodge!"

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The Bunker
The plot continues... or starts... or, uh..... wait, what was I talking about?

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Faellie Follies: Christmas?
What is Fickle doing?

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Gee, Thanks
Valentine's Day is a travesty! It ought to be cancelled, or at the very least reinvented.

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Petpet Adventures: Runaway - Part One
The Juma smiled and uncurled her body. "Yes, I am," she answered. "I woke my pet up, but I managed to escape in a couple of minutes..."

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