Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 136,210,130 Issue: 282 | 9th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword violinoutoftune

Week - 159

Unveiling Brightvale
by violinoutoftune
Description: From the beautiful landscape and intelligent atmosphere to the pleasant shops and Wheel of Knowledge, I fell in love with the place. But there was also this weird feeling in the back of my mind about it. Everything just seemed too perfect, too smart and precise.

Week - 167

by violinoutoftune
Description: "Wow… it's sure… different," the Chia said. "Much different since the last time I looked at it."

Week - 168

How to be an Awfully Good Musician
by violinoutoftune
Description: Today’s lesson is all about how to be an awfully accurate, ear-popping musician! Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I know absolutely nothing about music.

Week - 171

...And All Thanks to the Healing Springs Faerie
by violinoutoftune
Description: During the war not only did she heal pet’s hit points on either side, but she also ridded them of the horrible Hoochie Coochies that the enemy so unkindly bestowed upon them...

Week - 216

Neopia Avenue
by violinoutoftune
Description: "Lack of Creativity"

Week - 227

Real Bright...
by violinoutoftune
Description: You're so bright!

Week - 245

One Stormy Day, Three Sunny Resolutions
by violinoutoftune
Description: Soon enough, it was all out war, with Pirate Quiguki leading the Quiguki forces against the evil Dr. Sloth and his Grundo-mutated band of Usuki warriors...

Week - 264

by violinoutoftune
Description: If I was not myself--simple me--but something else, something more interesting; not just a passive blob of yellow in the crowd, but someone important, like a leader: who would I be?

Week - 282

Big Trees
by violinoutoftune
Description: "Do you know why we're doing this?" Janice asked Ever. "Do you know why we are planting this little tree?"

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