Meow Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword 4zure

Week - 239

Never Get Mad
by 4zure
Description: Don't get mad. Get even.

Week - 267

The Wise Man and the Fool
by 4zure
Description: "Y'know, the Techo Master has this saying..."

Week - 272

Neo's Law
by 4zure
Description: However, there are also the unwritten rules; these are just as daunting as those set before us in easy-to-read vernacular. You know they're there but rarely ever give them much mind. And whenever your thoughts are directed to the topic, it's usually in exasperation...

Week - 282

The Grass is Much Greener
by 4zure
Description: "Sweet Fyora!" he cried, slapping the water in exasperation. He laid his ears back and glowered at the specks of pink, purple, and orange that dotted the waves. His waves...

Week - 283

Heavy Mental
by 4zure
Description: Dignity, thy enemy is the air guitar.

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Guild Leading 101: How to Run an Effective Guild
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How do those pets with antlers make it down?

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