A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword dreamsprite_pixie

Week - 283

The 2007 Doughnut Awards
by dreamsprite_pixie
Description: Nowadays there are a lot of doughnuts you can choose from, from shops on nearly every market corner. Well, which ones are the nicest?

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Great stories!


The Ka-DOLT-ery
One of the reasons why kadoaties don't ask for Draik eggs at the Kadoatery anymore...

by lissy_chan


A Fruit's Worth
The stall owner snarled, "The next shipment doesn't come in until tomorrow morning. The caravan travels by night so that the fruit doesn't perish in the sun, but if you want some so bad, why don't you prance your furry little tail over to Qasala and buy it yourself?"

by scubadive5


Super Chel: Part Two
Chel stared at Eric. He was a boy. She was a girl. If she went up to him to try to become friends she'd be an outcast. There would be endless teasing by Isabella, Chel's best friend, and the other girls. But on the other hand, he wanted to be a super hero...

by kittygirl5170


Illusen's Secrets to Staying in Shape
"I make all the foods with 'Illusen' in the name," she shares with us, "so I put only the finest, healthiest ingredients into my food and then I sell the foods to shops all over Neopia to provide them to you. I make sure they are low fat and have vitamins that all Neopets need."

by lassie_nikki


Illusen's Day Off
"By order of Fyora, in punishment of thy many deeds dark and destructive, thou shalt be sentenced to a single day in the Glade..."

by micrody

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