Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword gelert548

Week - 283

Pet Kicks Club
by gelert548
Description: Cookies can be evil too, you know...

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Freedom Reigns
"Maddie," Sophie said gently, trying to get her sister to understand, "it's my duty to go back and save those faeries..."

by grapesourhorse


The Dark Side
No more Devilish Cake before bedtime. o.o

by vira8


A Fruit's Worth
The stall owner snarled, "The next shipment doesn't come in until tomorrow morning. The caravan travels by night so that the fruit doesn't perish in the sun, but if you want some so bad, why don't you prance your furry little tail over to Qasala and buy it yourself?"

by scubadive5


The Happiest Quiggle
I hear she's particularly good with flambé.

by nut862


The plain truth of Neopia: The Present
Let's see what's in it!

Idea by kazukazue

by tirrya

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