Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 136,691,549 Issue: 283 | 16th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword tirrya

Week - 279

The Plain Truth: An "Evil" Valentine's Day!?
by kazukazue
Description: More than evil!

Idea by tirrya

Week - 283

The plain truth of Neopia: The Present
by tirrya
Description: Let's see what's in it!

Idea by kazukazue

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Another Hero's Journey: Part Ten
Jovan entered the shadow Shoyru's room, bearing a tray of steaming tea and some biscuits. "Bandits," said the blue Ixi anxiously. "I bolted our doors and shut all our windows..."

by precious_katuch14


CHOMP CHOMP... The Evil Peanut Chia!!! Part 1
You eat AT this table. You don't eat the table itself.

by crystal_snow_15_


Random Something - Illusen Day
Well, whaddya know? Green pets AREN'T safe from pinching on Illusen Day!

by silvermare200


Why Illusen is better than Jhudora.

by rock_star_megs


The Ultimate Guide to MAGAX: Destroyer II
You have to remember that once you touch any of the enemies, you will lose about one-fifth of your health...

Also by milkypath

by superpepe

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