Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword lcarlyle

Week - 211

Mine-Blowing Guide to Dubloon Disaster
by lcarlyle
Description: Your aim in Dubloon Disaster is to dodge the mines that are being fired from the evil Black Pawkeet, but at the same time, you need to collect as many sparkling Dubloons as you can get your hands on.

Week - 215

Crashing Guide to Bumper Cars
by lcarlyle
Description: Basically, you are driving a car of red, green, yellow, or blue (you get to choose), and your aim is to cause as much damage as possible to the other cars...

Week - 284

The Question and Answer Guide to World Challenges
by lcarlyle
Description: First, you choose a game (normally a game that you are good at) and you try to get the highest score you can possibly get...

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Guardian: Part One
Sage went over to the door and looked out. There, a baby green Shoyru was looking at a Buzzer as it flew around her head. "Ah, always getting into trouble," Sage said affectionately...

by kaylamdal111112


Abnormal Espionage - Entropy and You
What's not to love about virtual life applications of the laws of thermodynamics?

by kazenkori


Thor's Tales: The Rainbow Pearl
"There only are about twenty rainbow pearls in Neopia and they're worth so much that if Queen Fyora would sell only one of them, she could retire from the whole Hidden Tower business..."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl


Spells, Secrets, and Snowberry Tea: Part Seven
Cypher stepped up and looked into his glowing red eyes. "I have a job for you, weakling!" the tree cried in a booming voice...

by kemppotatoe


Frosted Wings
The cheery crackle of a fire was the first thing she heard as Blyzzarr regained consciousness. She opened her eyes and confirmed that there was indeed a fire blazing. Then she noticed that she wasn't alone...

by siennacat13

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