A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword wascoolest123

Week - 261

Seven 'Great' Tactics To Get A Faerie Quest
by wascoolest123
Description: Their effectiveness may vary depending on what type of faerie you try*. So, here are some great** tactics for getting a quest, and what may come of them!

Week - 284

Legacy of Ice: Part One
by wascoolest123
Description: The sand under her feet was burning her delicate paws and the sun over her head was relentlessly heating her back. This was nothing like her home, where the sun above was cool, only providing light, and a soft white carpet was always underfoot...

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How to Be a Rich Neopian Without Doing Anything
This guide is a little different. It explains how to be a passively rich Neopian. It is possible to break a million neopoints without playing games all day long. That's what we all want, isn't it?

by neesboy


Shifting Sands and the Snowager: Part Two
"There are an awful lot of thieves. We probably would have killed each other by now if it hadn't been for a set of unwritten rules, strictly maintained. Well, someone broke those rules. A group called..."

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Under Drawn
Got any sandwiches?

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Neofreakz - New Laws of Comedy
Why are we standing here doing absolutely nothing?

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