Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 149,520,230 Issue: 285 | 30th day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword kt_fox

Week - 283

The Ghost of Meridell: Part One
by kt_fox
Description: The Lupess couldn't help but smile malevolently. Those foolish knights had been searching for this place ever since the organization had been founded more than a hundred years ago...

Week - 284

The Ghost of Meridell: Part Two
by kt_fox
Description: All there was to do was watch the older squires train and try their best to beat whoever they were sparring with. One blue Lupe in particular had caught her attention...

Week - 285

The Ghost of Meridell: Part Three
by kt_fox
Description: Jeran watched the King's Champion with questioning eyes as he walked to a thin brown cabinet in the far corner. He opened it up and very carefully took out what was inside. Jeran's jaw hit the floor as the knight handed him a brilliantly crafted sword...

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The Tomamu Dilemma
"It's super-simple! All we have to do is lay out a blanket, put up a sign that says, 'Leave your Tomamu to be cared for here', and play with other people's Petpets all day!"

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