Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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Fer Sure

by redlotusninja

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The Jelly Ones
"Are you going to stop any time soon or am I going to have to pounce on you?" asked Teresa...

by kotahkue


Painting To Suit Character
But why do I personally paint my pets? They certainly look fine enough in their red, yellow, green or blue finery, nothing wrong with that at all. However, the paintbrush colour I choose for them, that I think long and hard about, matches their CHARACTER.

by glamness


Sand Balls
I retracted my cool Kougra claws, double checked my lightning-streaked fur for sand, and strolled along the beach, while my owner was off searching the Deserted Tomb. Then, as I saw some sand balls, I got the perfect idea: Sand balls! How am I this creative?

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by goosher


The Ghost of Meridell: Part Four
"What Lupess?" Danner asked. "What are you talking about? There's no one here except you and us... and that half blown apart building over there..."

by kt_fox

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