Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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We found the following 17 result(s) for the keyword literalluau

Week - 218

The Loyal Bank Skeith
by literalluau
Description: For most of us, he's just another green face in the crowd. We take him for granted, never realizing how much he means to our lives and our bank accounts.

Week - 224

The Blus
by literalluau
Description: Most of us have heard of Roo Island, the happy little spot where everyone is bouncing and smiling all day long. Sounds like a great place, doesn't it? But what shadows and secrets lurk behind every smile?

Week - 230

Roomful of Jelly
by literalluau
Description: Are you more of a marble person or a white chocolate person? Do you prefer jelly to asparagus? Sand to brick? A neohome should reflect who you are.

Week - 234

Plushie Eaters: Part One
by literalluau
Description: "I saw one eat a plushie the other day!" Penelope wailed, the tears finally coming as she remembered the swift motion...

Week - 235

Plushie Eaters: Part Two
by literalluau
Description: "I only need it for a little bit. I'll bring it right back down." Grabbing the tape from her pocket, Penelope scurried...

Week - 236

Plushie Eaters: Part Three
by literalluau
Description: "Strawberry nova waffles?!" squealed Penelope, sliding into her chair...

Week - 240

A Weak Heart: Part One
by literalluau
Description: His bed was unmade, unusual for him. But he often disappeared for a midnight fly around the village...

Week - 241

A Weak Heart: Part Two
by literalluau
Description: She thought for a minute, chewing on her lip and wringing her hands. "The bedroom!" she cried suddenly, racing past me into the small room my brother and I shared...

Week - 242

A Weak Heart: Part Three
by literalluau
Description: She shook her head gently. "A dark faerie's power is too great. You'd be under her power or disintegrated in less than five seconds."

Week - 244

Five O'Clock Deadline
by literalluau
Description: The pile of books landed with a loud thunk on Dewdrop's desk. The baby Kougra could just see over the top of them...

Week - 250

A Gnawing Curiosity
by literalluau
Description: In my opinion, the Times is better than books--at least the Times doesn’t burst into a cloud of discolored smoke when you’re done with it.

Week - 257

by literalluau
Description: I thought she would be someone I could look up to, though only a year older than myself. She had traveled all of Neopia. I pictured her as worldly and chic...

Week - 281

Vanity: Part One
by literalluau
Description: Sarah pushed the white door of the bathroom open slightly so she could see her sister. "You are going to enter the beauty contest?" She raised one eyebrow...

Week - 282

Vanity: Part Two
by literalluau
Description: He offered his arm and she placed hers lightly on top. She knew from living with Sarah that this was the customary way beauty contestants of opposite genders in the area traveled in public. She also knew from having a brain that it was going to be hard to keep her arm up...

Week - 283

Vanity: Part Three
by literalluau
Description: "I just didn't... didn’t expect you to be home, um, yet." Sarah was wringing her paws together...

Week - 284

Vanity: Part Four
by literalluau
Description: "I can see why you're winning so many votes in the beauty contest. If I may say so, you're a very charming young lady..."

Week - 288

Easy as "Pyramid Pot"
by literalluau
Description: Lady Osiri brought the clay up and down a few times to remove air bubbles and to get the clay centered on the wheel...

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Running Faster than Destiny: Part One
"I don't have a chance against her. She must have a million trophies by now, but all I want is one. Why can't she just sit out one race so that I could win?"

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