Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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Bed Bounce Royalty

by silver_taurus

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Fruits, Shells, and the Sea
This is for all of us who have ever been afraid to fight for our dreams.

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A Lesson
Randy had always been jealous of Mozae. It seemed like Mozae always got the better of things...

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Dirty Habits
Kristie cheered and skipped happily out of her room, dodging the many plushies, books, boxes and other miscellaneous items that cluttered her floor...

by jayandcourtneyk


Geraptiku's Song
Overhead flew a strange bird, glittering brightly in the light and blazing with all the colors of the rainbow. It opened its mouth and let out a call, a song, high and eerie but beautifully wild...

by eleanor111

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