A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 142,557,853 Issue: 289 | 27th day of Eating, Y9
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword really_awesome_d00d

Week - 189

Interview with Snargan: The Skeith behind the Game
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: It’s caused both tears of joy and tears of sorrow in more hopeful Neopians than you might think. Double or Nothing is a game solely dependant on luck – and, of course, the size of the player’s purse.

Week - 191

Faerie Song
by laurelinden
Description: Being captured was frightening enough, but this was every faerie's worst fear confirmed.

Also by Really_Awesome_D00d

Week - 195

Chicken Dance
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: He thought in dismay of his sister Nena, back in Neopia Central, who had become convinced, somehow, that she was a chicken. What had begun as an innocent cluck here and there soon expanded into a constant storm of arm-flapping and pecking at the ground...

Also by Laurelinden

Week - 198

by really_awesome_d00d
Description: You'd think that after that whiny little Shoyru persuaded Mom into getting a Halloween Paint Brush for him, he'd be quiet for a little while. But no...

Week - 193

Once Upon a Fyora Day
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: As the citizens of Faerieland awoke, excitement beat in each of their hearts. Today was the day to celebrate Queen Fyora!

Week - 203

Little White Muse
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: I went for a brisk run, took a hot bath, changed back into my clothes, cracked my knuckles, grabbed my favorite pen… and got down to work.

Week - 214

Once Upon a Halloween Night
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: In one hand, she clutched her white cloth sack. In the other, she held the real prize, the treasure of her costume...

Week - 215

What Counts
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: He was a very talkative young boy and I remember wondering if he would ever be quiet. Then he said something that I would never forget...

Week - 221

Once Upon a Christmas Morning
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: The young, sapphire-eyed white Acara could never be seen without a whistle on her lips, a skip in her stride, and a merry twinkle in her eye. Every waking moment was spent counting the presents at the base of the tree...

Week - 242

The Valkenweig File: An Overview of the Yora Dynasty
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: There have been six queens of the Yora Dynasty prior to Queen Fyora. Each is, in some way, hereditarily linked to our beloved queen.

Week - 283

Illusen, Victorious
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: Jhudora first took a sip of her coffee, then unfolded the newspaper and began to read. Her eyes scanned the major headline, and her heart skipped a beat...

Week - 289

The Portrait: Part One
by really_awesome_d00d
Description: There was one other in the room, if she could indeed be considered an individual. Above the ancient bed upon which the elderly Aisha rested was a portrait. It depicted a young pink Aisha...

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The Bunker
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Something Different
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