Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 139,341,920 Issue: 290 | 4th day of Hunting, Y9
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Earn Your Stripes

by yellowembers

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The Real Defenders of Neopia
Someone is in trouble!

by sir_serene


Oh the Irony...
Caution: Neopet-Eating Carp Ahead!

by ohgreatloopy1o_o


Secrets and Shadows: Part One
Commander Bhrack, commanding officer of the Darigan Citadel Guard and trusted military advisor to Lord Darigan, paused in weariness outside of the wooden door leading to his quarters. It had been an especially trying day...

by dragonlover8560


The Shadows: Part Seven
I felt so insecure and helpless without my wings. Oh well, it'd just have to do. I looked around the bustling city and then spotted what I looked for. Towering above the city of Faerieland was the Faerie Tower...

by jelleyfrosting

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