Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 161,608,688 Issue: 291 | 11th day of Hunting, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword akhmin

Week - 290

The Adventures of Akhmin in the Lost Desert!
by akhmin
Description: #1: Akhmin chooses a petpet...

Week - 291

The Adventures of Akhmin in the Lost Desert - #2!
by akhmin
Description: How to entertain a Desert Lupe!

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Great stories!


The Adventures of Akhmin in the Lost Desert - #2!
How to entertain a Desert Lupe!

by akhmin


The Midnighter
So the game started. One pet searched while the others hid. The Neopet searched for a long time. Hours possibly. She looked everywhere she could possibly think of, and she eventually got desperate...

by czenko28


Secrets and Shadows: Part Two
What an enigma! She seemed to be an ideal officer from the brief impression he had of her, but the Tonu commander had what was obviously a long-standing feud with his subordinate...

by dragonlover8560


Perfect: Part Two
"Terrible name," he responded quietly, almost absently. I cringed, and he saw, and smiled...

by douleur


That one looks like a giant ball of cotton...

by black_wolf2561

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