The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 161,608,688 Issue: 291 | 11th day of Hunting, Y9
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword hob51

Week - 241

Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part One
by hob51
Description: My mother never told me why I was born that way. She was a red Lupe too, but walked on all fours. My father however, was one of the greatest mysteries in my life. I never knew him...

Week - 242

Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Two
by hob51
Description: "I don't think we should be here. Maybe we should just get back with the tour," Bo said nervously...

Week - 243

Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Three
by hob51
Description: I walked down the hallway, enjoying the sun of the late afternoon. I knew my comfort would only last until our journey had started. The reflective armor that I wore flashed in the sunlight...

Week - 244

Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Four
by hob51
Description: She was gone. Again. She disappeared in Fyora's castle in Faerie City, Faerieland, which is how we got here, but now was not a good time to disappear...

Week - 245

Knights of Altador: the Darkest Faerie's Wrath - Part Five
by hob51
Description: I did something very foolish. I walked toward the Darkest Faerie's black lair. It took me hours...

Week - 291

Book of Wisdom: Part One
by hob51
Description: Hannah regarded such stories as nonsense, but decided that the book might sell for a lot of money. Even if it didn't have portals in it...

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