teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword jjquil

Week - 278

Long Lost At Sea
by jjquil
Description: "Oh, really?" Hannah replied unhurriedly, wrinkling her nose in amusement. She paused a few moments to savor the salty spray from the ocean's waves - this was what she lived for...

Week - 282

Torn Loyalties and Broken Promises
by jjquil
Description: It was today, the final day, that had excited murmurs racing throughout the packed crowd. Tensions ran high, for today was the biggest event of all - the hero's exhibition match...

Week - 289

Further Tales of Woe: Part One
by jjquil
Description: What does loneliness mean to you...?

Week - 290

Further Tales of Woe: Part Two
by jjquil
Description: The curse had not affected his mind whatsoever. He was still the same shy, sweet, gentle fellow he had always been - but now he had more reason to be shy and insecure. His appearance...

Week - 291

Further Tales of Woe: Part Three
by jjquil
Description: "Oh, enough with your teasing, Bruno! You said you had something to discuss? If you only came here to play games, I ought to turn you into a Slorg simply for disturbing me..."

Week - 292

Further Tales of Woe: Part Four
by jjquil
Description: The new Sophie he'd seen briefly had been harsh and very defensive. She had aged outside of the cursed fog, and now looked much older than him. The short conversations they'd exchanged when he'd seen her were tense and pointed, often drenched in sarcasm or downright animosity...

Week - 293

Further Tales of Woe: Part Five
by jjquil
Description: Gilly shook her head, sitting on the stone rim of the fountain where she'd first met Reginald. It seemed like such a long time ago, it truly did! He was the tall mysterious stranger that gave her a place to stay...

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