Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword qazx301

Week - 285

Random Event Faerie: Fact or Fiction?
by qazx301
Description: No! Really! It makes sense! We have a Snow Faerie, a Negg Faerie, and quest faeries! Why can't we have a random event faerie?

Week - 290

The Un-Surprise Party
by qazx301
Description: "I don't know. What kind of surprise?" I tried to play the fool, but I was an expert on surprise parties...

Week - 292

The Classy Petpet
by qazx301
Description: Nowadays, most Petpets have no idea what it takes to be truly classy. They spend their time rolling in mud and eating Petpet chow! Now, me, I spend my time at parties and balls thrown by the very creme of Petpet society!

Week - 293

Jhudora Who?
by qazx301
Description: "Why can't I even pull off the least tiny bit of evil? Why are my plots always found out? Maybe I should stop talking to myself when I plot! Especially when I'm in public!"

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Mutant Asparagus
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Waiting for Anna: Part One
Here, then, I shall set pen to paper and write out a tale which may have happened, or may not have happened, or may be only partially true. Here, then, is the story of a girl who thought she could do everything. Who almost could do everything...

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A Guide to Getting in the Neopian Times
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The Dandy Guide to Being Unfashionable
Who needs fashion when they can show off their uniqueness? With all those stylish clothes out there, there have to be some... different... clothes for your pets to wear, right?

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