Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 169,514,968 Issue: 293 | 25th day of Hunting, Y9
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by twosock

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The Dark Side
An unpleasant sight... o.O;;;

by vira8


Two Scoops of Change, Please
"Sporfle! I wondered if you'd stop by today. Quite the turn-out, isn't it!" The Lutari grinned broadly as he handed Sporfle his favorite, Double Chocolate Ice Cream...

by goala_bear


Jhudora Who?
"Why can't I even pull off the least tiny bit of evil? Why are my plots always found out? Maybe I should stop talking to myself when I plot! Especially when I'm in public!"

by qazx301


Featuring space_mouse and mistyxstar.

by devil_pus

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