Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 140,357,144 Issue: 294 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y9
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Don't Bother Me; I'm Sleeping

by zelda2222

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On Your Last Nerve
I guess that explains it...

by ixigreen32


If Real Life Were More Like Neopets
I don't see Fluffy going to war, fighting the neighborhood dogs with nothing more than some snowballs and a plastic knife.

by cellophane_girl


An Illusion Spun: Part Four
"What are you talking about?" Karik demanded. He had dropped the coconut and was standing above her, breathing heavily, looking bewildered and slightly wild-eyed...

by raizindaroof


Freaky Transmogrification
Mutant petpetpets are cute, aren't they?

Idea by kallysta_rynns

by hypno_the_cat

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