Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 141,362,208 Issue: 295 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Much Ado About Moffit

by xandurh

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Dhevil's New Petpet

by kontinasu


Crisis Courier Game Guide
Who likes action games? If you do, then you must try the most greatest game ever, Crisis Courier!

by my_dark_dream


Clumsy Claudia and the Great Negg Hunt: Part Four
"NO! I'm serious! The egg is gone!" Claudia screamed, tired of not being believed. Everything felt hopeless; her heart seemed to sink and surrender...

Also written by autbum

by cloudybliss


Let Darkness Fall: Part One
He wasn't sure how he had gotten there. He couldn't remember who he was, either...

by feriku

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