Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword bluberrie3

Week - 241

by bluberrie3
Description: An usuki sale......?

Week - 296

by bluberrie3
Description: It's lucky! :)

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No One Will Believe Them: Part Two
Furious, Cove looked over at his pessimistic jail mate. It was a Gruslen, one of the petpets Cove thought to be the most fierce. "You're a Gruslen?" Cove asked incredulously. "Why didn't you just eat them?"

by ayame_23


Stupid Scooter
For a Gnorbu who reads books 5 hours a day, he's a idiot. : D

by mustangstar13


The Locker Room
There are times when even "The Black Hole" should consider passing.

by keng200


Roc's Box
Someday, this question will be answered.

by green_roc


The Art of War: A Guide to Defending Meridell
Invasion of Meridell consists of ten missions, the constituents of which are three battles. The goal of each battle for you, Hero of Meridell, is to convert all the invaders to your side while keeping your villages safe.

by star15389

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