Week - 243
My Vacation: Part One by jeanaet |
Description: I'm not waterproof, Eyrie-proof, non-gravity-proof,
Grundo-proof, or Mystic-proof. Nope. That is why when my owner, Jeanie, decided
it was time for a vacation, my world turned upside down! |
Week - 244
My Vacation: Part Two by jeanaet |
Description: It was a great relief to
see the snow covered peak of Terror Mountain. The landing was not very good
and I landed straight in the center of a junk pile... |
Week - 245
My Vacation: Part Three by jeanaet |
Description: The moment I had unpacked my plushies, Jeanie
dragged me out the door to meet some natives that kept speaking gibberish. "We're
here to play Tyranu Evavu," Jeanie announced... |
Week - 246
My Vacation: Part Four by jeanaet |
Description: "Let's go pick up some breakfast and then we
can go see the Ruins," Jeanie said. I turned around and was in my wetsuit before
her... |
Week - 247
My Vacation: Part Five by jeanaet |
Description: "Ah, they're completely solid!" my owner said,
completely certain. Just then, a baby Kougra with a shrieking Ona fell through
the ceiling... |
Week - 248
My Vacation: Part Six by jeanaet |
Description: You're probably thinking, "Will this vacation ever end?!!?" Well, that's
what I was thinking from the very beginning. But finally, I had a place I wanted
to go! Meridell! |
Week - 249
My Vacation: Part Seven by jeanaet |
Description: Suddenly I saw the end of my vacation coming very fast
as we planned our last two stops. The Lost Desert and the Haunted Woods... |
Week - 250
A Baby's Revenge by jeanaet |
Description: It was a regular day, as they usually are. At
precisely 4:30 AM NST I jumped onto Jeanie in her bed, singing. "Wake up! Wake
up! The DAY is new! So wake UP! Let's get the day started!" |
Week - 253
The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part One by jeanaet |
Description: I should have realized what she was doing when she left the house
in the middle of the night. But I didn't. So when she came back with a surprise
curled up in her arms with a finger in his mouth... |
Week - 254
The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part Two by jeanaet |
Description: I clung to Jeanie like a leech, staring
with fear at the dark faerie. Trohanex was staring wide-eyed with admiration
at her... |
Week - 257
The Legend of Paraiso: Part One by jeanaet |
Description: Long ago, in the southernmost part of Neopia, which is now
a land of snowstorms and ice, there was paradise... |
Week - 258
The Legend of Paraiso: Part Two by jeanaet |
Description: "Jeanie, where are we?" the Xweetok screamed
over the wind... |
Week - 259
The Legend of Paraiso: Part Three by jeanaet |
Description: He was not used to the thick coat that he now
wore. All of Paraiso now wore them - the weather was getting to be so cold... |
Week - 260
The Legend of Paraiso: Part Four by jeanaet |
Description: Jeanie and Nexy looked around at the walls and gasped. "What is this?" Jeanie asked. Designs and hieroglyphs
dotted the walls... |
Week - 261
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part One by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: "Six am?! Why didn't
you wake me?!" Aile cried, dashing outside. She was way behind schedule! Hurriedly,
she checked the mailbox and pulled out the neomail. She dashed back into their large Neohome...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 262
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Two by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: "What!" Rain grabbed the paper and gawked at it in astonishment. "Terror Mountain overthrown!" she gasped in disbelief, and then read aloud in a trembling voice, "Armies of Dr. Sloth swarming over the
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 263
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Three by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: Then Rain let out a gasp as she looked around. "Where's Jenna?" she cried, obviously worried. In unison the whole group stared
out of the bubble and towards the surface...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 264
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Four by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: Jenna was beginning to feel claustrophobic from
being trapped in the small bubble interior for so long. And as their surroundings
grew dimmer and dimmer, she grew more and more nervous. She began glancing every
five minutes out the shield for a glimpse of Maraqua...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 265
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Five by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: Even as she shouted, the two Xweetoks heard a
great scuffle, shouts, pounding on the doors, and then, "Surrender in the name
of Emperor Sloth! Ruler of Neopia!"
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 266
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Six by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: Searchlights were scanning the dark waters. She turned to look bleakly at her companion.
"Out of the frying pan and into the fire," she whispered...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 267
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Seven by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: To the striped Xweetok's immense relief, there in the distance, lay the waiting harbor of Altador. When the two Xweetoks reached shore, they saw
that the city was in chaos...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 268
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Eight by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: The striped Xweetok snapped her mouth shut and glared fiercely at the faerie. Her captor only shrugged. "Very well, be that
way. I will come back later..."
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 269
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Nine by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: They came to the end of the path to find a gate. Jenna sighed, glad to finally see something that
wasn't cloud or blue. "Is this the exit?" she asked Fyora hopefully...
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 270
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Ten by rainbow_lover852 |
Description: Fyora was trying to wake Jenna. "Ailemea, do
you-" The faerie Queen stopped short when she turned and saw which room they
had dropped into. "Oh dear..."
Also by jeanaet |
Week - 285
Lost With Isaerios: Part One by jeanaet |
Description: "Jeanie, I haven't even gotten over the last vacation you dragged me on, and now you want me to go on a tour to the highest elevations in Neopia? Are you kidding?" |
Week - 286
Lost With Isaerios: Part Two by jeanaet |
Description: "SQUEAK SCREECH EE OO!" Haelee scolded me. "OO EE YELP AH." The chiding went on for a while... |
Week - 287
Lost With Isaerios: Part Three by jeanaet |
Description: "Now shut up while I think of a way to cook you. I suppose I could eat you raw – no, that won't do. The last raw Xweetok I had gave me heartburn. Grilled? No. I can never eat grilled again after that Nimmo..." |
Week - 290
Neoschools: Where Is TNT Hiding Them?! by jeanaet |
Description: It is not because there is no other place on the map for a school. It is not because they think many of our pets are already well learned. It is not because they enjoy making us suffer with impatience. No... |
Week - 293
Ailemea Smiled: Part One by jeanaet |
Description: I have gotten used to the fact that I will never be an only pet again – in fact, I'm learning to tolerate having brothers. I just never imagined sisters... |
Week - 294
Ailemea Smiled: Part Two by jeanaet |
Description: "You don't understand, sis," he said. "A Kougra is living in my room. He has an angelpuss. He is white. He doesn't groom and he has no fashion sense and..." |
Week - 295
Ailemea Smiled: Part Three by jeanaet |
Description: The Skunk Poogle followed me uncertainly around the bottom floor. First, I showed her the guest bedroom. She grimaced unpleasantly at the horrible decorating. "Are you trying to scare away your guests?" she asked... |
Week - 296
Ailemea Smiled: Part Four by jeanaet |
Description: "Now, Jeanie, I don't know if that is the way to go about this," I said, my voice shaking at the thought of a day alone with that... that mime... |