Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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ChEeZe DoOdLeZ

by _x0xsnowangelx0x_

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A Gelert on Treasure Island
Day 4

I was awakened this morning by a school of Noak nibbling on my paws. There is still no sign of land or rescue...

by ngc_5128


So You Want an Electric Pet?
Not that I'm saying having an Electric pet is a bad thing. They can be quite... exciting... at times.

by jshark105


Edna's Shadow - The New Challenge
Living in the Haunted Woods all those years has certainly gotten to her and she now has a shadow following her around and helping her to collect ingredients for all her freaky potions. You play as Edna AND her shadow.

by gurgi150


Stolid Solids
I wonder how mallow Grundos and choco Kacheeks taste...

by darkangel_neo14

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