teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword dgj377

Week - 259

Roo Island: The Champion Rookies
by dgj377
Description: Nothing shook the Altador Cup up more than the up and coming team of Roo Island placing among the top four in the final standings.

Week - 297

The New Player
by dgj377
Description: The backstory of how Jair Tollet got to be on Roo Island's team...

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Why can't rescuers just be traditional?

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Coco and Friends - Annoying Fyora
Whatever you do, be sure to avoid the laser vision.

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Snow Wars 2: Blasting Lupes and Snowbeasts, Oh My!

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The King Behind the Cup: Altador on Yooyuball
The King sits up straighter, more regal than ever. "Ah! What a splendid idea! I played Yooyuball myself when I was younger, you know..."

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Book of Wisdom: Part Seven
Hannah was about to pick up the book, then decided better of it. Her eyebrows dropped, narrowing over her blue eyes. "Or else what?" she asked...

by hob51

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