Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword kirsche474

Week - 297

The Color of Hope
by kirsche474
Description: Speaking of pet types... it was time to go adopt her dream pet! She was about to walk out the door, but she stopped, her hand inches from the door handle. Was she really ready...

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Speck the Speckled
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Fire and Air
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The Travels of Mijjol Lightwielder: Part Two
The young Mynci softened his gaze. "Yes, I was," he answered quietly, "but I had to leave him. It is my dream to become an adventurer, Sword-master! Won't you recommend a good weapon for me?"

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The New Player
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The New Prophecy: Part Four
After finding a seat (one which a "generous" Uni had given up to her after being threatened to be turned into a pile of soot), Jhudora sat down in the surprisingly comfortable ice chairs...

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