Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sooooocute5

Week - 258

Spreading Sunshine
by ch0c0lat3kik0
Description: "You say that every day," the Eyrie said waspishly. "How can you still think, after all these months, that anyone would want to adopt you?"

Also by sooooocute5

Week - 297

Teaching Tanya
by sooooocute5
Description: "Hey! Who are you and what have you done with our teacher?!" she shouted in mock horror...

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The King Behind the Cup: Altador on Yooyuball
The King sits up straighter, more regal than ever. "Ah! What a splendid idea! I played Yooyuball myself when I was younger, you know..."

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The New Player
The backstory of how Jair Tollet got to be on Roo Island's team...

by dgj377


Stories of Toast
Fireness just won't let it go...

by quackity_quack


The End of the Rainbow: Part One
The young Kougra shook his head, striving to get loose beads of water off. It was hard to think of a glimmer of hope when everything just seemed to be falling apart within him...

by littlej001


The Dumb Only Seem to Get Dumber
Some people should never go into the advertising business.

by beachnut14

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