Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword tessie_doodle_

Week - 161

13 Ways To Get A Donation From The Money Tree
by tessie_doodle_
Description: There are many ways to better your chance of getting items or Neopoints from the Money Tree. Some are harder then others, and some involve certain things.

Week - 296

How Soup Saved Neopia: Part One
by tessie_doodle_
Description: Finally, to top it all off, when Gargarox had been hurrying to finish a batch of Space Rocks, he'd been startled by the station's announcement speaker. This had caused him to drop a Space Rock on his toe. While hopping around the kitchen, he had knocked into a pile of plates...

Week - 297

How Soup Saved Neopia: Part Two
by tessie_doodle_
Description: Gargarox uttered a muffled groan and opened his eyes. He suddenly realized his head had been resting on a piece of Scrambled Eggplant while he slept...

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Pirates, Lab Rays and Mallards: The Time I Ran Away
One of the best changes she got was when Baillyn got changed to Faerie - Dreamer really started collecting neopoints like mad after that one. Jealousy spawns greatness, I suppose...

by usadreamr93


Lord Darigan at the Altador Cup
Everyone's a fan.

by master_chief63


Curse of the Werelupe: Part One
"Great," Jenn exclaimed. "Now I only have to wait for your brothers to wake up so I can give you your present." She seemed to be bubbling with excitement...

by rachelindea


The King Behind the Cup: Altador on Yooyuball
The King sits up straighter, more regal than ever. "Ah! What a splendid idea! I played Yooyuball myself when I was younger, you know..."

by smurts


Psellia's Homecoming
Siyana was overjoyed. Psellia was coming back, back to Altador and back for good. The Uni messenger had just came to the gates...

by vtguerrero

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