Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 155,861,765 Issue: 298 | 29th day of Relaxing, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword epiercy1996

Week - 298

Are You Ready to Adopt? Are you Ready to Abandon?
by epiercy1996
Description: Are you truly ready to adopt the ill, homeless, sad Neopet? Do you have a good amount of income, plenty of food and drinks, and a warm bed for the Neopet?

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Great stories!


Edna's Shadow: The Guide
You simply have to collect all the ingredients needed to form a potion strong enough to attach the shadow back to the witch and bring both Edna and her shadow to the cauldron at the same time. Of course, this wouldn't be exciting if there weren't monsters...

by playdoh_666


Pound Pet
When I finally get out of this prison and begin my legacy, I will want to remember the hours spent in resentment and misery...

by wolfgirl764


A Fiery Friendship: Part One
He was finally old enough to become a squire, finally old enough to make his dreams come true. And what dreams they were!

by kandeegrrl


"He left," she'd said in a monotone voice. "He left..."

by cats9723


The Quest
"Where is my Chair of Darkness?"

Art by leopetg1

by srsddgrl

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