Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 143,909,097 Issue: 302 | 27th day of Swimming, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword shade876

Week - 226

by shade876
Description: Not a game for Elephantes...

Week - 230

A New Way of Fishing!
by shade876
Description: Not quite the titanic giant squid...

Week - 302

Pleasing the Palate of Your Jetsam!
by shade876
Description: Jetsams may look ferocious and scary, but their favorite place to dine is located in the gorgeous world of Maraqua...

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Abandoned: Part Seven
Not a second passed before Taite heard the slam of the patio doors, announcing Kiran's presence. "All right, you can look now!"

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When Addressing a King pt. 2
Perhaps it runs in the family.

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Finding Snarkie
At precisely that second, a loud (and quite obnoxious) shriek rang through the house, closely followed by a series of oscillating wails. Jaileen rolled her eyes and jogged off towards the living room...

by silent_snow


Why (3!)
You'll never hug your pet after painting him again...

by redler1


The Wonders of Meridell
On July 30, 2002, TNT released a new world called Meridell, and this Monday is Meridell's fifth birthday! *blows kazoo*

by gooie629

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