Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 143,909,097 Issue: 302 | 27th day of Swimming, Y9
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword sumthingshiny

Week - 278

Escape from the Darigan Citadel!
by sumthingshiny
Description: Would you brave the dungeons of the Darigan Citadel for 10,000 neopoints?

Week - 291

Screenies: What Neopets Never Told You
by sumthingshiny
Description: Answering the age old question: Why doesn't anyone like my screenies?

Week - 302

Sloth's Takeover! (Er... Well, Lack Thereof)
by sumthingshiny
Description: I have invaded almost every aspect of Neopia possible. My latest conquest is the Neopian Times. Since I have already invaded the editorial section, I need a new challenge...

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The Bunker
Aw! I can't stand to hear a little girl cry... Let me get my earmuffs.

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Of Meepits and Dark Faeries: Part Three
"You've made enough mess as it is. Look at my castle." Irathatora was coming down the stairs. "It's a mess, and you're going to be cleaning it up, once I deal with these Meepits..."

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Pterii Rule!

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Life With Strip
King Altador should watch what he is giving out...

by snowickle_111


Eye of the Storm
The Shoyru simply sing-songed with glee, "It's a SURPRISE, silly!" and started flying off. Farrich sighed...

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