Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 177,384,936 Issue: 310 | 21st day of Gathering, Y9
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Week - 310

The Fight Commences!
by ebily
Description: :K

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Of Heroes, Heroics, and Other Such Things
Effri glanced at the front page, and then absent-mindedly made up the promised coffee. A theft at the Art Gallery...

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Math's Nightmare
One... two...

by conniewan3


The Baby Burden
Welcome to the family, Krystun!

by kougra_helper_9157


True Bloo
Another use for Glowing Jelly...

by imperial_drannian


The Right Reason: Part One
Captain Rourke, a tall Ogrin in a long black coat, strode out from the cabin. "I'm going into town, kid, so keep out of trouble..."

by 0magic_enchantress0

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