White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword eternalxdestruction

Week - 314

A Sponge Pet is Useful When...
by eternalxdestruction
Description: Never ever use a Sponge pet to...

Week - 315

Halloween Special
by eternalxdestruction
Description: Make sure, when you dress up in costumes, to be aware of scaredy cats in your Neo family.

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It looked hideous. Donny the red Bori looked forlornly at his Toy Repair Shop. It had been decorated...

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One Halloween Night
Kahunamon then looked at the costumes. None of the costumes looked cool on her...

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A Guide To Leftover Candy
The doorknob turns more easily than you expected. You take a second to breathe, to try and calm yourself down before what is about to come before you...

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Ultimate Decision: Part Five
Jerdana would be questioning each and every one of them. Would she use magic? Would she cast some sort of truth spell that would force Renelle to admit what she had done?

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What Am I?: Part Six
"KITRON!" The door of the treehouse had been torn right off its hinges, and the ground outside had been shredded...

by sarahleeadvent

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