White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword kandeegrrl

Week - 298

A Fiery Friendship: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: He was finally old enough to become a squire, finally old enough to make his dreams come true. And what dreams they were!

Week - 299

A Fiery Friendship: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: Then, to everyone's surprise, Jeran Borodere walked outside. "I thought I should see whether or not the squire I sponsored is any good." The giant Lupe winked...

Week - 300

A Fiery Friendship: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: Flame turned and walked away and, after he had taken one last glance at the waterfall and the archway, Corran followed him. Wait, an archway?

Week - 301

A Fiery Friendship: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: Torch looked very nervous. "W-Well, I suppose it could have been a clever ruse, but I don't think so. They claim that they know a way to get under the castle..."

Week - 306

Reunited: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: Though all others stayed indoors on this stormy night, she alone walked the roads. She feared nothing, for she had nothing to lose...

Week - 307

Reunited: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: But every family has problems. Snow, Smokey, and Shanna rarely ever saw their father. As a sailor, he spent most of his time away...

Week - 308

Reunited: Part Three
by kandeegrrl
Description: More than once that day the Lupess thought she saw a blur of black sneaking through the trees in front of the Werelupes, but it might have merely been her imagination...

Week - 309

Reunited: Part Four
by kandeegrrl
Description: Shanna could hardly believe it. A feeling of uncontrollable joy and elation swept over her. "Father's here!"

Week - 310

Reunited: Part Five
by kandeegrrl
Description: Shanna hoisted herself up onto a rock. She and Smokey were standing on a sort of short overhanging cliff. About six feet beneath them slept thirty or so Werelupes...

Week - 314

The Challenge: Part One
by kandeegrrl
Description: At the moment, he was looking for his two friends. He had just been released from the hospital to hear that neither Flame nor Torch were present in the castle...

Week - 315

The Challenge: Part Two
by kandeegrrl
Description: "Power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams..."

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