teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword qibbo

Week - 309

by qibbo
Description: I want OTHER slushie flavors from now on, please!

Week - 315

by qibbo
Description: Take it or Leave it!

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Evil Death: Part One
Eliv peered over the desk. Something about this Bruce seemed very familiar. "What puzzle would you like me to solve today?" he asked...

by sirussblack


Common Misconceptions: The Brain Tree
Yes, he's mean and ugly, but that's beside the point; he's mean because nobody likes him, and nobody likes him because he's mean. It's a vicious cycle..

by visorak_commander


The Sinister Stamp
I think I shall allow someone to purchase me, and then I will bring terror into the whole stamp album! My evil plots will prevail!

by twocents


The Mutant Prince: Part Four
He had tried without success to file down the grotesque black claws that had magically sprouted out of his shapely hands, but the curse had grown the claws back to full size within a mere hour...

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A Bori Story: Surprize?

by pikemaster1

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