Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 177,384,884 Issue: 315 | 26th day of Collecting, Y9
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by buzzbuzz_g27

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Great stories!


A Guide To Owning A Sklyde
Let me refresh your memory. It's pretty much a walking, bad tempered, hissing skeleton.

by lupegirl10811


Haunted Graveyard
Walking against the strong gusts of wind and in spite of the creepy-looking slimy trees at the entrance, Patch entered the Graveyard...

by petitehirondelline


Tricks and Treats
"Trick or treat!" they all screamed in unison. Without any hesitation, the Draik placed handfuls of candy in their empty buckets...

by ummagine3284


The Mind of Max ~ Halloween Special!
Happy Halloween!

by 0omythical_dragono0

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