The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 177,117,159 Issue: 318 | 16th day of Storing, Y9
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword maipom

Week - 305

Evaristus the Envious
by maipom
Description: Evaristus the Royal Usul sat gloomily in the candlelit drawing room of his Meridell Neohome. It was a warm summer evening...

Week - 312

The Mutant Prince: Part One
by maipom
Description: "It really isn't that bad," Tarquinn said lazily, resting in his favourite crimson armchair in the parlour a few hours later that morning. He held a golden mug of coffee in one bejeweled hand...

Week - 313

The Mutant Prince: Part Two
by maipom
Description: In the end, the doctor professed his belief that the prince had been cursed by a powerful magical weapon...

Week - 314

The Mutant Prince: Part Three
by maipom
Description: When Tarquinn left his room his face was pale, his eyes rimmed in red; he was a nervous wreck, and the party he had announced for that afternoon at his mansion filled him with dread...

Week - 315

The Mutant Prince: Part Four
by maipom
Description: He had tried without success to file down the grotesque black claws that had magically sprouted out of his shapely hands, but the curse had grown the claws back to full size within a mere hour...

Week - 316

The Mutant Prince: Part Five
by maipom
Description: Tarquinn couldn't bear being shunned or disrespected. He wouldn't stand anyone knowing that he, the First Prince of Brightvale, the picture of success, wealth, and charm, was undergoing a transformation which would...

Week - 317

The Mutant Prince: Part Six
by maipom
Description: The building was a wayside inn, judging by a creaking, hanging sign which had the words LuNaTiC INN painted on in a messy scrawl...

Week - 318

The Mutant Prince: Part Seven
by maipom
Description: Before anyone knew it, the cloudbound sun was setting behind the scraggly tree tops. There was one last address on the list of names: Edna the Witch...

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