For an easier life Circulation: 177,117,134 Issue: 320 | 30th day of Storing, Y9
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword __lyra152__

Week - 294

The Truth About the Dark Faerie
by __lyra152__
Description: Being the curious reporter that I am, I wanted to get the inside scoop on a subject that no other Neopian had ever dared try. I wanted to interview the Dark Faerie.

Week - 300

Weewoo Auditions
by _icypanther_
Description: Hosting the NT Weewoo Search

Story by __lyra152__

Week - 296

The Art of Yooyus
by __lyra152__
Description: I am talking about none other than the Seven Yooyus of the Altador Cup!

Week - 319

Down the Symol Hole I Go!
by __lyra152__
Description: "Well, the only reason that nobody else has found it is because only a symol can activate it..."

Week - 320

Neopia Central Team
by __lyra152__
Description: Rivalling the best!

Art by _icypanther_

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Eaten Alive
Mmmmm... Chia...

by samlikesyou


The Ties That Bind: Part Seven
Garret, on the other hand, kept himself busy by hanging out with Chad and Mikey as usual. They went to the shops and Chad and Mikey made trouble without Garret even noticing...

by sytra


The Official Neoquest II Survival Guide for Monsters
The first thing you'll need to do is to get some decent skills. First, you should probably invest in Critical Attacks.

by blahbletybleebloobla


The Mutant Prince: Part Nine
"Thank you," Tarquinn said to the Wocky and waited for him to quit the room before he fell face-down onto the mattress and sighed, full of distressing thoughts...

by maipom


Neopia Central Team
Rivalling the best!

Art by _icypanther_

by __lyra152__

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