Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 182,428,753 Issue: 322 | 14th day of Celebrating, Y9
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword klaus239

Week - 311

Princess Lilac: Vanishing Princess or Runaway Royal?
by klaus239
Description: What exactly happened to the royalty of Terror Mountain?

Week - 319

Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part One
by klaus239
Description: Prices stayed up, the Faeries stayed exiled in Faerieland, and the damage caused by the weather would likely never be repaired...

Week - 320

Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part Two
by klaus239
Description: "Right... now where do you really want to go?" she asked, nervously hoping that the Neopets in front of her weren't crazy enough to really want to go to Faerieland...

Week - 321

Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part Three
by klaus239
Description: "The Hall of Legends," replied Fyora as she walked over to a bookcase. "It's where every single story ever written down in the history of Neopia is documented..."

Week - 322

Neopia, Year 200: The Beginning - Part Four
by klaus239
Description: The albino Flotsam dove into the tide again to find another shell. Spotting a particularly shiny turquoise one that resembled her own tail, she reached out to grab it...

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Paint Up Your Life! Part II
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Ghost Stories
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...don't leave piles of dung sitting in your inventory...

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