Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword freakogamer91

Week - 197

It’s Not What You Think: Turmaculus
by freakogamer91
Description: We’ve all heard of the Turmaculus, the giant Turmac that spends his time lying face down in the middle of Meridell, but do any of us really know what goes on inside the mind of this mighty petpet?

Week - 203

Echoes||Betrayal: Part One
by freakogamer91
Description: We stood in ranks ten deep and ten wide, the Syrokian recruits, awaiting orders from our commanders...

Week - 204

Echoes||Betrayal: Part Two
by freakogamer91
Description: He held a large rock in it that I noticed a little too late. It came crashing down between my ears. I could hear the raucous laughter of everyone around me as I blacked out...

Week - 280

Echoes||Finality: Part One
by freakogamer91
Description: So much had happened in the last few days that my head was swimming. I had gone from an average citizen to a soldier to a hero to a condemned convict in a few short hours...

Week - 281

Echoes||Finality: Part Two
by freakogamer91
Description: A warm, yellow glow appeared in front of me, and I blinked rapidly at the sudden light. There was a figure within the glow that I couldn't quite make out...

Week - 322

Echoes||Syrokai: Part One
by freakogamer91
Description: "I don't want to rule. I want to leave here as quickly as possible, actually. I can't stand this place anymore..."

Week - 323

Echoes||Syrokai: Part Two
by freakogamer91
Description: News was sent out to all corners of the small island and by noon of the day following the king's death the entire island was in an uproar...

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Merry Christmas
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